Sunday, July 14, 2013

Missionary Prep

Our sweet Tammy girl is only about a week away from departing for the Missionary Training Center!!  We have spent the last month getting her ready to go!  We are down to the wire and our list is manageable.  Yea!!

Here is a photo of dear friends who took us to lunch at a build your own bowl Mongolian grill.  It was so fun!  You pile all your food into a bowl and whatever you can fit in the bowl is fair game.  Then you wait in line and watch the cook grill it for you.  They then put it into another bowl and hand it back to you.  We had a great time.

Yesterday we finished off Tammy's dental work.  She was such a trooper!  She had to have some deep cleaning done.  Usually they do one half of your mouth at one appointment and then schedule another appointment to do the other half.  Because her time is so short, she did it all in one appointment.   Her entire mouth and tongue were numb.  Now her jaw is sore and her gums are tender.  She is such a brave woman---25 shots in her mouth!!  Yuck!

This next Saturday we'll have her 'Tammy is going on a Mission' party.  Next Sunday she will speak in both wards.  Then sometime Sunday or Monday she'll be set-apart as a missionary and Tuesday she'll take off and enter the MTC on Wednesday.

Here are my notes to remember Tams:
  • You are stronger than you think.  (from Pooh Bear's Grand Adventure)
  • You were saved for this day and time....these are you days!
  • You have an amazing testimony, born of much struggle and sacrifice.  You know the Lord watches over you and is there for you.  He will be right by your side through this new journey.
  • Trust your heart and follow the Spirit.  You have a great heart and you genuinely love and care for people.  Some of them will let you down, but most of them will rise to the occasion.  
  • When they let you down, turn to the Lord.  He will comfort you and He will always be there.  You can trust that.
  • Study, study, study....many new insights and inspiration will come to you as you study the scriptures and words of the prophets.
  • Pray, pray, already know why to do that.  Remember when you feel alone or frustrated or disappointed, we are praying for you!
  • Communicate verbally to express your needs to your companion and other missionaries and your mission president.  This will be a new experience for you.  Be honest in your feelings and your needs and expressing those to others.  This will probably be one of the most difficult things you do.
  • Go forth with faith.  You will make some mistakes, simply because you do not know how to do it all yet.  You will have to learn and mistakes will be made as you learn.  Remember, that's what a permit is for. :-)
  • Remember our favorite girlie movie, Pride and Prejudice....sometimes things are not as we think.
  • When you are tempted to act in frustration or anger, remember you represent the Lord Jesus Christ.  You bear His name.  What would He do and how would He handle it?
  • Most of are loved and you can do this!!
We will see you in 18 months!

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