Saturday, October 26, 2013

Halloween Party

Last night was our Halloween party.  I'd show you photos, but I didn't take any.  It was the craziest day.  Sun wanted to wear a poodle skirt (popular 50's dress, see below), but I was going to have to make one.  They take a bazillion yards of material......not really a bazillion, but like five......and I was having to dig through the material closet to find enough.  I cut the material wrong, but was working that out.  I spent an hour visiting teaching, and our Smiley has been sick the last couple of days and Spike, Spike is having asthma issues.

In the middle of finishing cutting out the material, it was lunch time and Smiley's medication had worn off, everyone was whiny (the ones at home, and I kept stepping in sticky stuff on the floor (I HATE that!).  My friend called to find out about the Halloween party.  I mentioned that I was fighting with a poodle skirt and trying to make it happen.  She told me she had four poodle skirts, even one that would fit Sun and she would bring them over later for her to try on.  Such a huge blessing! 
(Isn't this the greatest photo?)

After relaxing about that and just taking care of my people, another girl friend stopped by and we visited for a couple of hours.  It was a much needed break after trying for three days to take care of my responsibilities and sew a Halloween costume or two.  I quit stressing about trying to make my agenda happen and just let the rest of the day unfold.  It was so much more relaxing and enjoyable and my people felt much more loved and fluffed, although Smiley was still disappointed that I would not let him attend the Halloween party because of his illness.  He missed two days of school and was having ibuprofen every 7 hours!  No Halloween party for you!  (On the bright side, he is not up this morning at five telling me how horrible he feels and asking for more maybe he is finally feeling better :-)

Have a great weekend!

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