Today is one of my all time favorite weekends!!! General Conference!! We have the opportunity to listen to the voices of the prophets of our day and age! Do you want to know what Jesus would say to the people if he were on the earth today? Listen to these men and women!! They know and they are telling us!
If you need more information on how to link yourself into the broadcasts, go here. Broadcast times are at 10 a.m and 2 p.m. MDT today, Saturday October 4th 2014 and Sunday October 5th. The best part is that with today's technology, if you miss it, you can watch it, listen to it, or read it later!! Go here for that---just change the 'lan=eng' to the three letters for your language!
I am coming to the broadcast with specific questions I have about things I need answers to in my life. As I listen to the sessions and open my heart, I have answers that help me live today. Sometimes my questions are as simple as, what should I do with our car (it had died that year) or as profound as, What does it mean in the scriptures where it says that Satan desires to sift us as wheat? That year, Elder Oaks quoted that scripture and said, that means..... No joke. It really happened that way.
The point is, God is no respecter of persons. He loves and cares about you and your happiness as much as He does about me and my happiness. He knows you have questions. He knows you need answers! If you will listen to and heed the words of His prophets, those questions will begin to be answered and you will have the peace of knowing that your life is in harmony with His plan.
Enjoy the conference today! I will!! Some of my children will be gathered around our television to watch and some are even lucky enough to be in the conference center today!! (Yes, I am jealous! But excited for them!)
Have a great day!! We will!

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