So I have been wanting to change my profile picture. I took a few more. What do you think??
This one?? |
With baby? |
Snarky? |
Chilin' |
Profile |
This week I have been trying to manage THIS:
We, by that I mean I, have been turning them into these:
applesauce and apple pie filling. I really need to include the children and have them help me. I am not getting very much done on any given day.
This is my little son's homework. I found it at home after he had left for school. Did I mention it is due on Friday mornings? Did I also mention that I asked him in the car before we left the house if he had it in his backpack, to which he responded he did?? Did I tell you this is the THIRD week in a row that he has left his homework at home when it was due? It is done, and has been every week. He just doesn't take it to school............because he just has to miss five minutes of recess. He still gets ten minutes.
THAT is going to stop!
My little daughter is almost old enough to go to Girls' Camp, an amazing week filled with spiritual enlightenment and tons of fun, food and friends! She has been begging me to teach her each and every song in this book:
We have learned most of them and now she wants me to sing them with her everyday, several times a day. I think the boys are going BANANAS!! But we are having fun!
Best.New.Of.The.Week!: After six months, we finally have a garbage disposal that works, and works quietly!!! Woohoo!! Being that we only have one drain in the kitchen sink, this is a BIG deal, especially when we have a lot of children doing the dishes..... Just be happy for me :-)!!
Have a GREAT week!

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Thanks for your comments!! I read them all and I know how to use the delete button. Please keep it kind.